Sabtu, 28 Februari 2009

Want to Drive in Texas? Defensive Driving Tips

Want to drive in Texas? Then pay attention because ignorance is never an acceptable excuse for the law. And in Texas defensive driving skills are highly regarded. Whether you are a licensed driver in Texas or are simply using an out-of-state license, the laws of the state apply. Remember, laws vary from state to state and there are some traffic laws in the state of Texas that can leave drivers scratching their heads or worse breaking the law and ending up with a traffic ticket.

Buckle Up

This law is pretty straightforward. Everyone in a car should be wearing a seatbelt. Where children are concerned, Texas law strictly requires that children under 15 years of age should be properly restrained no matter where they are sitting in the car. When it comes to getting pulled over by the police in Texas – keep in mind they do not give warnings for not wearing a seatbelt – they give traffic tickets.

Right On Red

Texas is a right on red state. For a lot of out of state drivers this can be very disconcerting. Right on red means that unless it is otherwise posted, it is legal to make a right turn at a red light after coming to a complete stop and verifying that lane of travel you are turning into is clear. However, be aware that the signs posting No Right On Red are usually rectangular and hung near the traffic light itself. Failure to obey can lead to a stiff fine and a traffic ticket.

Don’t Mess With Texas

When it comes to driving in the state of Texas, nothing is more familiar to local drivers and many visitors than the Don’t Mess With Texas signs that decry against littering and damaging the local beauty. Many cities also post signs requesting that drivers not treat the road like an ashtray. There is more to Don’t Mess With Texas than just not littering – Don’t Mess with Texas also means don’t mess with the laws and proactively adopt defensive driving techniques to manage around careless drivers and in unsafe driving conditions.

In Texas, you are required by law to carry proof of automobile insurance on you at all times when you are behind the wheel of a vehicle. If you are pulled over for any reason, the police officer will request the proof of automobile insurance along with your driver’s license. If you cannot provide proof of insurance, the officer will issue you a traffic violation and you will have to provide proof of insurance to the court on your assigned date.

Don’t drink and drive is strictly enforced in the state of Texas. A recommendation: when you know you’ll be drinking, assume strong personal defensive driving values and hand your keys over to a designated driver.

It’s also important for drivers to understand that drinking and driving is not the only issue with regard to alcohol law in the state of Texas. It is illegal to be publicly inebriated and in recent months, police raids on several bars in the Dallas Fort Worth area have resulted in arrests of individuals who were drunk.
State law in Texas says Texans who are over the age of 21 have the right to buy alcohol and the right to consume alcohol. Individuals in Texas however do not have a right to public drunkenness or inebriation. It’s not just about being too drunk to drive – it’s about being too drunk period.

Understand that traffic laws and laws governing behavior intersect in the state of Texas. Don’t drink and drive, public sobriety at all times is required, carry proof of automobile insurance, wear your seat belt, obey the traffic signs and remember: ignorance of the law is not an excuse. If you still have any questions, consider signing up for one of the online defensive driving courses in Texas; not only may it help your insurance premiums – it may give you the edge you need to avoid a traffic ticket. Don’t Mess with Texas and Texas won’t mess with you.

By: Drose

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